Friday, January 25, 2013

Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Hook, and 12/21/2012

On October 30th, 2012, a devastating hurricane hit an area unprepared for massive flooding.  It was the worst hurricane to hit the east coast in over 50 years.  This was 7 days before the national Presidential election. 

On November 6, 2012, Barack Obama won a second term as President. 

On December 14, 2012, a 20 year old man killed 27 people, including 20 children, at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown CT.

On December 21, 2012, a much heralded spiritual transformation was to occur for humankind. 

The first observation is the similarity of the name Sandy attached to two of the most significant events in the nation to occur in 2012.   What seems to have occurred is a widespread sea change of attitudes about humanity.  It starts with gun violence.  There has been a great sense of bullying by powerful figures to shut down any conversation about reducing gun violence.  But there now is a sea change in attitudes after our own system allowed this to happen. 

The same thing can be said with the other Sandy, where there has been a combined chorus of urgency that we have ignored climate change long enough.   Hurricane Katrina was supposed to be a storm that was to occur once every 100 years, yet Sandy impacted 24 states and cost 65 billion dollars just 7 years later. 

Barack Obama is also creating a sea change in attitudes for our country.  He took large steps in gender and marriage equality.  He drew down U.S. hostilities overseas.  He discontinued the demonisation of other countries and cultures started by the previous presidential administration. 

Although nothing physically spectacular happened on 12/21/2012, there was a large spiritual event around that time as attitudes shifted to a more peaceful posture and becoming closer to our planet. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've read a little of the Seth material. I found something he said, to the effect that our environment responds to us. (Sorry, I didn't write it down so this is probably a poor paraphrase.)

I assume you're pointing to this with the post about the 2 Sandy's.

Is this correct and can you share more of Seth's teachings on this?

Thank you